Raamatupidamisplaan Start-up Lite

69,00  / month

Miks valida Start-up Lite plaan?

  • Edasta piiramatu arv raamatupidamisdokumente kuni müügikäiveni 5,000 eurot kuus
  • Kui teenust on tellitud terve majandusaasta (vähemalt 12 kuud), sisaldab igakuine tasu majanduaastaaruande sisestamist
  • Dividendide maksmine, palgaarvestus ja juhatuse liikme tasu tugi
  • Kuni 5 eraisikust osanikku/juhatuse liiget
  • Sisaldab kasutajakontot raamatupidamisprogrammis SmartAccounts (arvete haldamine ja koostamine) ja Envoice (kulude haldamise tarkvara)


Start-Up Lite teenuse omadused:

  • Kliendiprofiili seadistamine meie süsteemides ja Eesti Maksuametis
  • 1 tund finants-, raamatupidamis- ja maksunõustamist teenuse alguses (vajadusel)
  • Dividendide maksmine, palgaarvestus ja juhatuse liikme tasu tugi
  • Edasta piiramatu arv raamatupidamisdokumente. Raamatupidamisdokumente ja pangakontosi töödeldatakse eelnevast kuust
  • Sisaldab kasutajakontot raamatupidamisprogrammis SmartAccounts (arvete haldamine ja koostamine) ja Envoice (kulude haldamise tarkvara)
  • Klienditugi e-maili teel 1-3 tööpäeva jooksul
  • Raamatupidamist vastavalt IFRSi ja Eesti raamatupidamisstandarditele


  • Majandusaastaaruande sisestamine sisaldub igakuises hinnas juhul kui:
    - Klient on maksnud 12 kuu teenustasu
    - Kliendi teenus on majandusaastaaruande sisetamise hetkel aktiivne

Vajalik Kliendilt:

  • Kvalifitseeruvad igakuised aruanded Kliendi e-kaubanduse süsteemist ja maksekontodelt/platvormidelt
  • Klient peab esitama kõik raamatupidamisdokumendid ja pangaväljavõtted esimesel võimalusel, kuid hiljemalt järgneva kuu 5. kalendripäevaks. Dokumendid tuleb esitada Envoice äpi kaudu, mis sisaldub raamatupidamisplaanis


Teenuse osutaja on Sunny Finants OÜ, reg. kood 10116749, asutatud 1994. aastal, tegevusluba #FIU000124 finantsteenuste ja äriühinguteenuste osutamiseks. Teenustasule kohaldub 22% käibemaks.

Supported business profiles

  • B2B / B2C Sale of professional services (physically or manually, via e-mail, phone, or by other manual means
  • B2B / B2C Sale of digital (automatically provided) electronic services (apps, SaaS, media content, gaming, blog, news, podcasts)
  • One-time sales (a receipt of single payments from unique buyers)
  • Subscription model (a receipt of consecutive regular payments)
  • Automatic sale of online advertising services, affiliate marketing service
  • Service is location dependant (provided in a specific spot or area)
  • Service is location-independent (provided remotely)
  • You operate in any of the following fields: consultation, coaching, software development, advertising, web designing, marketing, SEO, traveling services

Supported banking- and payment services (subject to the discretion of third party and customer eligibility):

Wise, Payoneer, Revolut, Stripe, Paysera, N26, Klarna, Paypal, Holvi, Apple Pay, Google Pay, MakeCommerce, Bankera, GlobalNet, Verifo, Intergiro, PayHawk, Wamo, Shopify Payments, Amazon Pay, Alipay, Google AdSense, Meta Pay, LHV, Swedbank, SEB, selected foreign banks from EEA region.

Not supported business profiles

Additional services and fees

Additional services and fees

  • Retrospective processing- or amendment of accounts, documents, reports – 60 EUR / hour
  • Consulting on taxes, accounting, employment, business management, and administration – 70 EUR / hour

Sales volume threshold

If your monthly sales turnover exceeds the 5,000 EUR monthly threshold, a proportional multiplier will apply to the monthly fee (1% multiplier = 1,01 of the threshold).

Example: If your sales volume is 6000 EUR instead of 5000 EUR, your monthly fee is calculated as follows: 6000/5000 x 69 EUR (monthly rate) = 82.8 EUR

For VAT, GST, or Sales Tax in other countries not listed here, we recommend our partner Sovos. You can contact them at www.sovos.com. If you are subscribed to our accounting services, our team will connect you directly with the Sovos team.

Additional services are charged according to the effective fees of the provider. Request for a full copy of the price list here.

All above-mentioned rates exclude 22% VAT.


1. If your business profile requires a mandatory activity license, such as a tour operator, excise tax goods, or other regulated activities, please be aware that we only support selected customers who have:

  • A proven track record in their field of business;
  • A clear understanding of applicable regulations;
  • The ability to meet mandatory compliance requirements at a satisfactory level.

2. Besides illegal goods and activity, we do not support business profiles involved in the following:

  • Lotteries, betting
  • Adult content
  • Spirituality, prophecy
  • Alternative medicine
  • CBD, e-cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol
  • Weapons, war
  • Financial and investment services
  • Payment services
  • Insurance services
  • Crypto wallet- or FIAT exchange services
  • Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
  • Forex services
  • Precious metals, coins made from precious metals
  • Precious collectibles, intermediation of art

3. Unfortunately, we can’t onboard if the client is a resident or its business counterparts are from the following countries

1. FATF grey- and black-listed countries, excluding Turkey and UAE
2. EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes
3. Countries with a Higher Risk of Terrorist Financing listed by FIU of Estonia
4. EU-sanctioned: Russian Federation, Belarus
5. Countries that Estonia does not have a cooperation framework on justice, security, and law enforcement: Afghanistan, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Jordania, Democratic Republic of the Kongo, Libanon, Libya, South-Sudan, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Niger, Pakistan, State of Palestine, North-Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Usbekistan.



Järvevana tee 9-40, 11314, Tallinn, Eesti


Sunny Äriteenused © 2024 │ Tegevusloa number: FIU000124


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